Saturday, August 17, 2024

(22) UK cyber industry dominated by men | LinkedIn

(22) UK cyber industry dominated by men | LinkedIn: In May 2024, women made up just 17.9% of the industry, while men accounted for 82.1%.

Said Cobb: I find our failure to increase female participation in ICT and cybersecurity faster than we have so far to be both disappointing and troubling on several levels. The one that is seldom mentioned, but particularly bothers me, is missing out on the enhanced risk perception that many women bring to ICT and cybersecurity. Numerous studies have shown that, on aggregate, women see more risk in technologies than men. Given that, in the last 30 years we have endured wave after wave of technology that proved to be far riskier than first thought or promised by the men who developed and deployed it, the possibility that humanity's prospects for the future could improve considerably if we achieved something closer to 50/50 female/male participation in ICT leadership and decision-making is one that should not be discounted.