Sunday, July 9, 2023

Starmer, Oracy, and the F-bomb

Starmer%u2019s%20%u2018F-Bomb: "But, then one little word, what I’ll call the ‘F-Bomb’ (fluency) threatens to double down on persistent patterns of ableism, linguistic snobbery and the marginalisation of speech differences."

Five ways AI might destroy the world

Five ways AI might destroy the world: 'Everyone on Earth could fall over dead in the same second' | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Measuring life satisfaction from Simetrica- Jacobs | HACT

Measuring life satisfaction from Simetrica- Jacobs | HACT: "This blog, originally published on the Simetrica-Jacobs website, discusses the newly launched Green Book Supplementary Guidance which recommends Simetrica-Jacobs income coefficient to measure life satisfaction."