Tuesday, November 21, 2023

ISC2 Insights Contributor Guidelines

ISC2 Insights Contributor Guidelines: "Long Form Feature – This allows you up to 2,000 words, for example, to convey a more complex argument."

"Members should self-submit for CPE credit after a blog post has been formally accepted or published. Use Group A, CPE credits are rewarded at one per hour of service. Category: Contributed to the Profession (Writing, Researching, Publishing). Be sure to keep in mind all time required for writing your feature. This includes both research and writing time."

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Death And The Internet: The Implications Of The Digital Afterlife

Death And The Internet: The Implications Of The Digital Afterlife - Exclusive Blog - ISOEH: "Digital assets might vary on the basis of different sources of medium of storage: personal, financial, technical and professional. Different mediums of storage have different sets of values and importance, like, personal assets can belong to multimedia storage like pictures and videos that can be contained using social media, mails, mobile phones and various other digital devices."

Digital Death: Transforming History, Rituals and Afterlife | University of Helsinki

Digital Death: Transforming History, Rituals and Afterlife | University of Helsinki: "The consortium Digital Death: Transforming History, Rituals and Afterlife (DiDe) is an interdisciplinary research consortium led by the University of Helsinki and funded by EU CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe."

Here’s why Americans with $1 million don't think they’re wealthy - Yahoo Finance

Here's why Americans with $1 million don't think they're wealthy - Yahoo Finance

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Medical Cannabis Access in the UK - very helpful

Medical Cannabis Access in the UK | Releaf: "Below, we will look at the different types of products, delivery devices and administration methods currently available in the legal UK medical cannabis market."

Sunday, November 5, 2023

UK calls AI chronic risk to National Security

UK%20calls AI hronic Risk to National Security CSO%20Online: "Artificial intelligence (AI) has been officially classed as a security threat to the UK for the first time following the publication of the National Risk Register (NRR) 2023. The extensive document details the various threats that could have a significant impact on the UK's safety, security, or critical systems at a national level. The latest version describes AI as a "chronic risk", meaning it poses a threat over the long-term, as opposed to an acute one such as a terror attack. The UK government also raised cyber attacks from limited impact to moderate impact in the 2023 NRR."

The Luddite Tribunal: Bay Area edition Tickets, Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite

The Luddite Tribunal: Bay Area edition Tickets, Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite: 'We'll talk AI, Silicon Valley, labor power and Luddites in honor of the launch of Blood in the Machine. The main event will work like this: We bring an array of tech products—say, an Amazon Ring doorbell, generative art created by Midjourney, etc. We'll then subject each piece of tech to a discussion; does it accelerate exploitation? Is it unethically made? Does it benefit society?"

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Cyber Harm: Concepts, Taxonomy and Measurement

by Ioannis Agrafiotis, Maria Bada, Paul Cornish, Sadie Creese, Michael Goldsmith, Eva Ignatuschtschenko, Taylor Roberts, David M. Upton :: SSRN

Crap data from crappy Tory government

The%20UK%u2019s%20becoming%20a%20nonsense: compounds crappy decisions: 

"Voters should demand a solid underpinning of fact to guide political discourse. Ministers have a right to be furious that the UK labour market figures are chopping and changing and might well paint an unnecessarily negative picture of the economy...But they should also feel a little ashamed that the international reputation of the statistics is deteriorating and that is partly down to a lack of funding for a very small and cheap government department."

Record rise in people using private healthcare amid NHS frustration | Private healthcare | The Guardian

Record rise in people using private healthcare amid NHS frustration | Private healthcare | The Guardian: "Record numbers of people are paying for private healthcare, spending up to £3,200 on having a cataract removed and £15,075 on a new hip, amid growing frustration at NHS waiting lists.

Across the UK last year 272,000 people used their own funds to cover the cost of having an operation or diagnostic procedure at a private hospital. That was up from 262,000 the year before and a sharp rise on the 199,000 who did so in 2019, the year before the Covid pandemic struck."

Destitution in the UK 2023 | JRF

Destitution in the UK 2023 | JRF "approximately 3.8 million people experienced destitution in 2022, including around one million children. This is almost two-and-a-half times the number of people in 2017, and nearly triple the number of children. There is an urgent need for action to tackle destitution in the UK."