Sunday, February 28, 2021

5 steps to better prostate health - Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand

5 steps to better prostate health - Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand: "Some of the best foods for prostate health include oily fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, vegetables, and foods high in healthy fats like avocados, nuts and olives. Foods that help fight prostate cancer include Asian mushrooms, tomatoes, pomegranate juice and walnuts. In areas of the world where men have lower prostate cancer rates, they all have something in common: elements of their diet. They eat fish and plant-based sources of protein. They do not eat a lot of the sugar or processed foods, which are so easily found in an American diet. The best diet for prostate health is one that is low in sugar, processed foods and saturated fats. The Mediterranean diet is one diet worth looking into because it is also a lifestyle and healthy way of eating that you can follow for the rest of your life."