Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Missed stuff

Cardiovascular and Renal Damage in Primary Aldosteronism: Outcomes After Treatment | American Journal of Hypertension | Oxford Academic: Primary aldosteronism (PA) is one of the common forms of curable hypertension. Recent views have suggested that PA is far from being relatively benign, as it was previously thought, but it is associated with a variety of cardiovascular and renal sequelae that reflect the capability of inappropriately elevated aldosterone to induce tissue damage over that induced by hypertension itself.

How to fix an iPad that won't charge: 8 troubleshooting tips - Macworld UK

How to fix an iPad that won't charge: 8 troubleshooting tips - Macworld UK: "iPad won't charge, or charges slowly? We'll help you work out if the plug, cable or Lightning (or USB-C) port is at fault, and how to fix common charging and battery problems - or get Apple to repair or replace an iPad that you can't fix."

What Is SQL Injection? 8 Tips on How to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks | InfoSec Insights

What Is SQL Injection? 8 Tips on How to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks | InfoSec Insights: Akamai’s State of the Internet report that analyzed data between November 2017 and March 2019 indicates that SQL injection now represents nearly two thirds (65.1%) of all web application attacks

Academics can change the world – if they stop talking only to their peers

Academics can change the world – if they stop talking only to their peers: "The answer appears to be threefold: a narrow idea of what academics should or shouldn’t do; a lack of incentives from universities or governments; and a lack of training in the art of explaining complex concepts to a lay audience."