Thursday, January 2, 2020

Maritime Cyber Rules Coming in 2021 Are Outdated, Critics Say - WSJ

Maritime Cyber Rules Coming in 2021 Are Outdated, Critics Say - WSJ: "The International Maritime Organization’s new cybersecurity guidelines are scheduled to come into force in January 2021, aiming to protect ships from attacks.

 While the guidelines are an important step, they already need to be updated, said Tom Kellermann, chief cybersecurity officer at security firm Carbon Black Inc.

“They don’t address the modern cybersecurity exposures created by mobility, applications and the cloud. There’s still more work to be done,” said Mr. Kellermann, a former chief information security officer at the World Bank.

The guidelines, drafted in 2016, single out the use of “memory sticks,” for instance, and don’t mention the cloud or artificial-intelligence systems prevalent today."