Friday, April 28, 2017

Managing Insider Risk by Darrell Drystek - program, organization, employee on Peerlyst

Managing Insider Risk by Darrell Drystek - program, organization, employee on Peerlyst: "Insider risk is nothing 'new'. It has been an inherent risk in every form of organization, professional and personal relationship, throughout human history. "

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Karmen Ransomware Variant Introduced by Russian Hacker

Karmen Ransomware Variant Introduced by Russian Hacker: "The Karmen malware derived from “Hidden Tear,” an open source ransomware project, available for purchase by anyone. As is typical for ransomware infections, Karmen encrypts files on the infected machine using the strong AES-256 encryption protocol, making them inaccessible to the user and may trigger a ransom note or instructions demanding that the user pay a large sum of money to obtain the decryption key from the attacker."

Senate Democrats hatch plan that could leave Donald Trump with little choice but to resign - Palmer Report

Senate Democrats hatch plan that could leave Donald Trump with little choice but to resign - Palmer Report

After blitzing FlexiSpy, hackers declare war on all stalkerware makers: 'We're coming for you' • The Register

2012 Study finds 90 percent have no recent cybersecurity training

Study finds 90 percent have no recent cybersecurity training: "That 68/32 split you see in the pie chart rang a bell with us because it mirrored a different ESET poll, conducted by Harris earlier this year. The purpose of that poll was to study implications of the bring-your-own-device or BYOD trend. We asked employed U.S. adults if they had received any kind of computer security training from their employer and only 32 percent said they had. Another 64 percent said they had not and 4 percent said they couldn’t recall having such training, which probably means it was not worth remembering."

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

NYTimes: Women’s Friendships, in Sickness and in Health

Bose accused of spying on users via Bose Connect app

Russian hacker has created his own 'starter pack' ransomware service

"...criminals who buy this specialized malware, dubbed Karmen, can remotely control the ransomware from their web browser, allowing the attacker to see at-a-glance a centralized web dashboard of their entire ransomware campaign."

Protecting Remote Access to Your Computer: RDP Attacks and Server Credentials for Sale | Duo Security

Protecting Remote Access to Your Computer: RDP Attacks and Server Credentials for Sale | Duo Security is great advice from Duo:

  • Scan publicly listed IPs for any open RDP or SSH ports, and block them. 
  • Monitor and analyze logs to identify any unusual user behavior on your network. 
  • Deploy an endpoint solution that can give you actionable data about the devices authenticating into your environment - which can tell you where users are coming from, when, and with what IP address.
  • Implement two-factor authentication on all account logins, including privileged and administrative, which can deter criminals from successful remote brute-force attacks. 
  • Don’t share or reuse passwords; this can stop the spread of compromise if one server is breached with stolen administrator/root account credentials. 
  • Create custom policies and controls that dictate which applications can be accessed remotely, and by whom. 
  • Limit the number of administrator RDP accounts, or remove them completely if not needed. 
  • Set an account lockout policy that locks accounts after a certain number of incorrect guesses, to prevent the success of brute-force attacks.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Spoofer test from Caida

By downloading and running our software, you'll help advance the collective understanding of how to better protect the Internet.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Homeland Security warns of 'BrickerBot' malware that destroys unsecured internet-connected devices | ZDNet

Homeland Security warns of 'BrickerBot' malware that destroys unsecured internet-connected devices | ZDNet: new malware targets poorly secured Internet of Things devices and renders them useless.

The Erosion Of Trust And What It Means For Brands 02/24/2017

The Erosion Of Trust And What It Means For Brands 02/24/2017: When asked about which industries are the most trustworthy, none were seen as being worthy of full trust. Some industries faired better than others. Sixty-one percent of women trust packaged goods companies vs. less than 50% who somewhat trust healthcare companies.
Here is the full list ranking from highest trust to lowest:

 #1 Not-for-Profit

 #2 Packaged Goods (groceries, household items, apparel)

 #3 Beauty/Personal Care (tied for 3rd)

 #3 Pet Care (tied for 3rd)

 #4 Healthcare (tied for 4th)

 #4 Technology (tied for 4th)

 #5 Financial services (tied for 5th)

 #5 Automotive (tied for 5th)

The Building Shaker: a thumping gadget for annoying your noisy neighbors / Boing Boing

The Building Shaker: a thumping gadget for annoying your noisy neighbors / Boing Boing

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Digital transformation - European Commission

Digital transformation - European Commission: The digital transformation of EU business and society presents enormous growth potential for Europe.

Digital Technologies Offer Opportunities for Economic Growth

Digital Technologies Offer Opportunities for Economic Growth: much of the world is reaping digital dividends today: companies benefit through economic growth, people benefit through new jobs, and governments are enabled to deliver better services.

CONTRARY BRIN: Those were the days... When was America 'great'? And who has Steve Bannon reincarnated?

CONTRARY BRIN: Those were the days... When was America 'great'? And who has Steve Bannon reincarnated?: “If an online discussion (regardless of topic) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will invoke Hitler.”

Microsoft Outlines Cyber Geneva Convention Proposal -

The Building Shaker: a thumping gadget for annoying your noisy neighbors / Boing Boing

The Building Shaker: a thumping gadget for annoying your noisy neighbors / Boing Boing

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Nephrolithotomy, Percutaneous - procedure, recovery, test, blood, tube, removal, pain, complications

Punctuation Commands for Dictation in Voice to Text for Android | The Droid Lawyer™

Here are some commands that are guaranteed to work:

  • Period = period (.)
  • Comma = comma (,)
  • Question mark = question mark (?)
  • Exclamation or exclamation point = exclamation point (!)
  • Apostrophe = apostrophe (')
  • Enter or new line = moves to a new line
  • New paragraph = new paragraph
  • Tab key = tab
  • Colon = colon (:)
  • Dash = dash (-)
  • Ellipsis or dot dot dot = ellipsis (…)
  • Ampersand = ampersand (&)
  • Asterisk = asterisk (*)
  • At sign = at sign (@)
  • Backslash = backslash (\)
  • Forward slash = forward slash (/)
  • Open bracket = open bracket ([)
  • Close bracket = closed bracket (])
  • Open parenthesis = open parenthesis (()
  • Close parenthesis = close parenthesis ())

Pence’s Medicaid experiment confounds expectations on the left and right - POLITICO

Pence's Medicaid experiment confounds expectations on the left and right - POLITICO

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks on Efforts to Combat Violent Crime and Restore Public Safety Before Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement | OPA | Department of Justice

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks on Efforts to Combat Violent Crime and Restore Public Safety Before Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement | OPA | Department of Justice: "First, we should keep in mind some context.  Overall, crime rates in our country remain near historic lows.  Murder rates are half of what they were in 1980.  The rate of violent crime has fallen by almost half from its peak.  

The people of Richmond have seen this progress firsthand.  Since 1995, murder and violent crime rates in Richmond have fallen by two-thirds.  You have watched neighborhoods that were once in the grip of gangs and drugs transformed into places where kids can play and parents can take walks after sunset without fear.  

In the past four decades, we have won great victories against crime in America.  This happened under leadership from both political parties, and thanks above all to the work of prosecutors and good police using data-driven methods and professional training.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans are alive today as a result."

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SDBJ Annual Awards Programs & Calendar of Events | San Diego Business Journal

Here you go...

SDBJ Annual Awards Programs & Calendar of Events | San Diego Business Journal

Fewer Than One-Fourth Of Cybersecurity Job Candidates Are Qualified

Fewer Than One-Fourth Of Cybersecurity Job Candidates Are Qualified: More than 20% of organizations get fewer than five applicants for an open security job and more than half of all positions (55%) take at least three months to fill with a qualified candidate.