Saturday, August 11, 2012

Same Old Story...forgot to maintain important infrastructure

Here's a rant I have about failsafes: They were created so bad things would never happen. Think about factory explosions, oil spills, fires, and any of the thousands of catastrophes we see every year...each time there was a failsafe in place but, over the years, things were going so well, that upper management decided to forgo updates/upgrades or even regular maintenance because, well, things were going so well! That should never, ever be an excuse to justify not keeping failsafes up to date because the day will come when it all bites you in the arse.

AP NewsBreak: Refinery probe focusing on possible corrosion in decades-old pipe - The Washington Post: "Federal investigators probing the cause of a massive Chevron oil refinery fire are focusing on possible corrosion in a decades-old pipe the company inspected late last year but did not replace."

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