Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Michelle Goldberg: Troopergate report reveals how Sarah Palin abuses power to settle grudges | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Michelle Goldberg: Troopergate report reveals how Sarah Palin abuses power to settle grudges | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk: "When I was in Alaska last month, several people told me they were afraid to speak about Sarah Palin on the record, lest they invite retaliation from the governor's office or, God forbid, from the next vice-president. At the time, I didn't take such worries too seriously. As abominable a candidate as Palin is, it was hard for me to imagine vice-presidential staffers trying ruin the lives of private Wasilla citizens just because they had displeased her. But reading the official report of the investigation into the Palin abuse-of-power scandal known as Troopergate, it seems that perhaps her critics were being more prudent than paranoid."