Monday, November 29, 2021

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021

/r/Futurology had succeeded in curbing over optimism, has instead transitioned into a gloomy dystopian echo chamber. : Futurology

/r/Futurology had succeeded in curbing over optimism, has instead transitioned into a gloomy dystopian echo chamber. : Futurology: "There is a difference between check and balances for constructive discussion and wanton unrealistic fearmongering."

Anticoagulation and Antiplatelet Therapy in Urologic Practice: ICUD and AUA Review Paper - American Urological Association

Anticoagulation and Antiplatelet Therapy in Urologic Practice: ICUD and AUA Review Paper - American Urological Association: "The urologist is increasingly presented with patients with multiple comorbidities that include ... cardiac dysrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease, deep venous thrombosis, and inferior vena cava filters. These comorbidities are managed with an increasing array of oral anticoagulant (AC) and oral antiplatelet (AP) drugs that require comprehensive management to mitigate the risk of complications of urologic interventions." 2014

AFIB and Oral Anticoagulant Use With Perioperative Outcomes After Major Noncardiac Surgery

Association of Atrial Fibrillation and Oral Anticoagulant Use With Perioperative Outcomes After Major Noncardiac Surgery | Journal of the American Heart Association: "Increasingly, AF is being recognized as a major risk factor for adverse perioperative outcomes after major noncardiac surgery. In an earlier study, van Diepen et al10 reported that patients with AF had a 69% increased risk of death when compared with patients with stable coronary artery disease. ... McAlister et al6 reported a higher risk of cardiovascular death, heart failure, and myocardial injury among 961 patients with AF postoperatively in the VISION (Vascular Events in Noncardiac Surgery Patients Cohort Evaluation) registry. Our study adds to the growing knowledge base on the adverse prognostic impact of patients with AF who undergo noncardiac surgery. Further work, however, is needed to better delineate the mechanisms accounting for worse perioperative outcomes in the AF population."

Coventry Historic Landscape Characterisation: Downloads

Coventry Historic Landscape Characterisation: Downloads: Coventry Historic Landscape Characterisation

Monday, November 22, 2021

The Ethics Of Transhumanism And The Cult Of Futurist Biotech

Interactive Brokers Review

Interactive Brokers Review: "Client securities accounts at Interactive Brokers LLC are protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) for up to $500,000, with a cash sublimit of $250,000."

Facebook Admits That Content Moderation In Metaverse Will Be “Practically Impossible”

Facebook%20Admits%20That%20Content%20Moderation%20In%20Metaverse%20Will%20Be%20%u201CPractically%20Impossible%u201D: "It’s a good thing that Facebook at least seems aware of the problem it faces. However, as usual, the company seems to be charging ahead without enough precautions in place to ensure it adequately protects its users."

Most Read Fiction | Amazon Charts

Most Read Fiction | Amazon Charts Check them from time to time.

Amazon's Kindle Unlimited Is a Boon for Some Authors - The Atlantic

Amazon's Kindle Unlimited Is a Boon for Some Authors - The Atlantic: "He was—and at the time of this writing, still is—ranked above J.K. Rowling (No.8), James Patterson (No. 9), and Stephen King (No. 10) in sales of all his books on"

Sunday, November 21, 2021

National Library Loses the Plot, Again | Newsroom

National Library Loses the Plot, Again | Newsroom: "By partnering with the Internet Archive, New Zealand’s National Library is helping an organisation known for taking an author’s work, without their consent and giving it away for free."

Newgate Clocks Silent Sweep Analogue Mantel Clock, 16cm

Newgate Clocks Silent Sweep Analogue Mantel Clock, 16cm: A contemporary mantel or desk clock from Newgate Clocks with a minimalist dial and ‘no tick’ silent-sweep movement.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

New secret-spilling hole in Intel CPUs sends company patching (again) | Ars Technica

New secret-spilling hole in Intel CPUs sends company patching (again) | Ars Technica

New secret-spilling hole in Intel CPUs sends company patching (again) | Ars Technica

New secret-spilling hole in Intel CPUs sends company patching (again) | Ars Technica

Data Supporting the Potential Use of Rusfertide Therapy in Hereditary Hemochromatosis

Protagonist Therapeutics Announces Positive Phase 2a Data Supporting the Potential Use of Rusfertide as a First-in-Class Therapy in Hereditary Hemochromatosis | Protagonist Therapeutics, Inc.

Frontiers | Embodiment in 18th Century Depictions of Human-Machine Co-Creativity | Robotics and AI

Frontiers | Embodiment in 18th Century Depictions of Human-Machine Co-Creativity | Robotics and AI: "Based on our discussion of these examples, we offer four guidelines to researchers in creative AI and robotics. These are guidelines for discovery."

Friday, November 19, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Contact us | Low Incomes Tax Reform Group

Contact us | Low Incomes Tax Reform Group: "We are always keen to hear of problems that people are experiencing with the tax and tax credits system that will feed into our work."

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Indwelling Catheter Types

Indwelling Catheter Types: "Since urethral mucosa contains elastic tissue which will close around the catheter once inserted, the catheter chosen should be the smallest catheter that will adequately drain urine."

Monday, November 15, 2021

Biden's top science advisor working on AI bill of rights

Biden's top science advisor working on AI bill of rights: "The focus on AI regulation has increased in 2021, as U.S. regulatory agencies like the Federal Trade Commission attempt to regulate AI through existing laws like the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a law that wasn't created with technologies like AI in mind. The states are also proposing their own AI regulation legislation. Though interest in regulating AI has increased, the federal government has yet to regulate the technology. In Europe, the European Commission has already proposed an AI regulatory framework."

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Beatrice Pembroke & Ella Saltmarshe on The Long Time Project

The Long Time. Beatrice Pembroke & Ella Saltmarshe | by The Long Time Project | Medium: "Ultimately want to support a wave of cultural output that enables people to engage with their lives in much longer time frames. We want to grow the community of people exploring the role of art and culture in stretching our ability to care into the future."

Welcome to the Long-termist's Field Guide | Richard Fisher

Welcome to the Long-termist's Field Guide | Richard Fisher: "I propose a few suggestions for some of the obstacles to long-term thinking in this month’s issue of MIT Technology Review. I called those obstacles “temporal stresses” and by glorious coincidence they can be described using the convenient acronym SHORT:"
S – Salience
H – Habits
O – Overload
R – Responsibility
T – Targets

Saturday, November 13, 2021

A beginner’s guide to AI: Ethics

A%20beginner%u2019s%20guide%20to%20AI%3A%20Ethics: "Those debating technology ethics tend to be the people with the most at stake financially – politicians, big tech developers, and researchers from major universities." 

BJoRKSTA Picture with frame, black and white world map

BJoRKSTA Picture with frame, black and white world map/aluminium-colour, 200x140 cm - IKEA: With a large frame and picture like BJRKSTA, you add a touch to the whole room and create the feeling you want. Canvas handling is clever.

Friday, November 12, 2021

The Hacker Mind Podcast | EP 33: Scanning the Internet

The Hacker Mind Podcast | EP 33: Scanning the Internet: "Marc-Etienne M.Leveille from ESET joins The Hacker Mind podcast to talk about the challenges of building his own internet scanner"

Thursday, November 11, 2021

What Is A Radical Prostatectomy (Surgery)?

What Is A Radical Prostatectomy (Surgery)?: "Multiple clinical trials have not demonstrated a significant benefit to using hormone therapy before surgery, however."

Education for Justice

Education for Justice: "The Education for Justice (E4J) initiative seeks to prevent crime and promote a culture of lawfulness through education activities designed for primary, secondary and tertiary levels. These activities help educators teach the next generation to better understand and address problems that can undermine the rule of law and encourage students to actively engage in their communities and future professions in this regard."

Cobb Eye Expert Glasgow

%u25B7%20Stephen%20r%20Cobb%2C%20Glasgow: Stephen r Cobb

Monday, November 8, 2021

What is BBC Future? - BBC Future

What is BBC Future? - BBC Future: "Through evidence-based analysis, original thinking, and powerful storytelling, we shine a light on the hidden ways that the world is changing – and provide solutions for how to navigate it. Energised by the everyday, we think no topic is too small to be fascinating. Inspired by obstacles, we believe no subject is too overwhelming to tackle."

Forensic Methodology Report: How to catch NSO Group’s Pegasus

Forensic%20Methodology%20Report%3A%20How%20to%20catch%20NSO%20Group%u2019s%20Pegasus%20-%20Amnesty%20International: Amnesty International’s Security Lab has performed in-depth forensic analysis of numerous mobile devices from human rights defenders (HRDs) and journalists around the world.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Using the Medium story editor

Using%20the%20story%20editor%20%u2013%20Help%20Center: "Below you'll find all the formatting options offered by the editor on your platform."

Weapons With Minds of Their Own

Weapons With Minds of Their Own: The United States is in a race to harness gargantuan leaps in artificial intelligence to develop new weapons systems for a new kind of warfare.

Cornerstone Speech | American Battlefield Trust

Cornerstone Speech | American Battlefield Trust 

"But not to be tedious in enumerating the numerous changes for the better, allow me to allude to one other though last, not least. The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that, somehow or other in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time. The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the "storm came and the wind blew."

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science. It has been so even amongst us. Many who hear me, perhaps, can recollect well, that this truth was not generally admitted, even within their day. The errors of the past generation still clung to many as late as twenty years ago. Those at the North, who still cling to these errors, with a zeal above knowledge, we justly denominate fanatics. All fanaticism springs from an aberration of the mind from a defect in reasoning. It is a species of insanity. One of the most striking characteristics of insanity, in many instances, is forming correct conclusions from fancied or erroneous premises; so with the anti-slavery fanatics. Their conclusions are right if their premises were. They assume that the negro is equal, and hence conclude that he is entitled to equal privileges and rights with the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be logical and just but their premise being wrong, their whole argument fails.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

(16) Facebook - Cov station

(16) Facebook watch on big screen.

Gigabit divide growing in England and Wales | thinkbroadband

Gigabit divide growing in England and Wales | thinkbroadband
Premises Counts England and Wales, October 2021 
Urban 21,663,156 properties 
Rural 5,600,674 Deep 
Rural 2,974,386 - this is a subset of the rural footprint

Learning Focusing: the Classic Six Steps | International Focusing Institute

Learning Focusing: the Classic Six Steps | International Focusing Institute: "The classic six steps defined by Eugene Gendlin in his 1978 book Focusing are offered here as a starting point for understanding the process."

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Monday, November 1, 2021

I think you will find this job interesting.

Check out this job at Coventry University: 

Order Your Home Testosterone Blood Test Kit | Optimale

NATO Review - An Artificial Intelligence Strategy for NATO

NATO Review - An Artificial Intelligence Strategy for NATO: "Allies and NATO commit to ensuring that the AI applications they develop and consider for deployment will be in accordance with the following six principles: 
  1.  Lawfulness: AI applications will be developed and used in accordance with national and international law, including international humanitarian law and human rights law, as applicable. 
  2.  Responsibility and Accountability: AI applications will be developed and used with appropriate levels of judgment and care; clear human responsibility shall apply in order to ensure accountability. 
  3.  Explainability and Traceability: AI applications will be appropriately understandable and transparent, including through the use of review methodologies, sources, and procedures. This includes verification, assessment and validation mechanisms at either a NATO and/or national level. 
  4.  Reliability: AI applications will have explicit, well-defined use cases. The safety, security, and robustness of such capabilities will be subject to testing and assurance within those use cases across their entire life cycle, including through established NATO and/or national certification procedures. 
  5.  Governability: AI applications will be developed and used according to their intended functions and will allow for: appropriate human-machine interaction; the ability to detect and avoid unintended consequences; and the ability to take steps, such as disengagement or deactivation of systems, when such systems demonstrate unintended behaviour. 
  6.  Bias Mitigation: Proactive steps will be taken to minimise any unintended bias in the development and use of AI applications and in data sets."