Sunday, July 30, 2017

Nuance Restores 75% of Clients After NotPetya Malware Attack

Nuance Restores 75% of Clients After NotPetya Malware Attack: Nuance Communications, Inc.�stated that it has restored 75 percent of its clients following the NotPetya malware attack it experienced last month.

Nuance Healthcare, which offers a transcription platform used by medical professionals, said its flagship eScription LH platform has almost been returned to all customers.

Reading List: History of Privacy, Surveillance, & Data Protection | Pla(Y)giarizing for Educational Purposes

Reading List: History of Privacy, Surveillance, & Data Protection | Pla(Y)giarizing for Educational Purposes: Samantha Barbas, Laws of Images: Privacy and Publicity in America

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Bitcoin is Now Larger Than Most Fiat Currencies in Europe & Americas in Market Cap

Bitcoin is Now Larger Than Most Fiat Currencies in Europe & Americas in Market Cap

Why The Cloud And Internet Of Things Don't Always Mix

Why The Cloud And Internet Of Things Don't Always Mix: "Margaret Martonosi, professor at Princeton University, suggests that processing data closer to or within sensors and devices -- and not sending it out to the cloud -- may accomplish more, in a more secure way, and more economically. "There are ways we could do better at designing edge devices to do more computation locally an send less data to the cloud,""

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Tweet from Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA)

Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) tweeted at 4:18 PM on Fri, Jul 07, 2017:
The next Russian attack on our election will be public and "legal", courtesy of the Trump administration.

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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Trump budget seeks $3B for Homeland Security cyber unit | TheHill

Trump budget seeks $3B for Homeland Security cyber unit | TheHill: "President Trump’s budget request seeks increases in cybersecurity personnel across several departments and over $3 billion in funding for a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) unit in charge of safeguarding the country’s cyber infrastructure."

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The Silk Road Is Dead, But the Internet's Illicit Drug Economy Is Alive and Well

The Silk Road Is Dead, But the Internet's Illicit Drug Economy Is Alive and Well - Hit & Run :

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Cruz's ObamaCare fix gets support from Hill conservatives | Fox News

Cruz's ObamaCare fix gets support from Hill conservatives | Fox News: "“The mandates the federal government puts on [Americans] are so ridiculous that men are forced to carry coverage for mammograms, women are forced to carry coverage for prostate issues. It’s absurd,” Marc Short, Trump's director of legislative affairs, told “Fox News Sunday.” “We’re going to get rid of many of those regulations and mandates to lower cost.”"

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A Primer on DarkNet Marketplaces — FBI

A Primer on DarkNet Marketplaces — FBI: "But what are these underground marketplaces, and what exactly is the DarkNet? To understand both, you first have to have a basic understanding of the entire Internet."

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A Primer on DarkNet Marketplaces — FBI

Monday, July 3, 2017

'Smishing' scams target your text messages. Here's how to avoid them |

What is genetic discrimination? - Genetics Home Reference

Genetic Discrimination and Other Laws - National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

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This is why your rent will keep going up in San Diego - The San Diego Union-Tribune

This is why your rent will keep going up in San Diego - The San Diego Union-Tribune: San Diego County stood out from much of the nation in having the second-worst housing. It has 58 percent of housing that is considered one or two stars (out of five) because of inferior construction, the study said. Los Angeles was the worst, 61 percent, and Austin had the best, 17 percent.