Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why you need a CSO/CISO | CIO

Why you need a CSO/CISO | CIO: "Even though we found that cybersecurity professionals, at all levels, are fully aware, and experiencing first-hand that the available talent is not keeping pace with demand needs, I was surprised by the alarmingly low number of companies that employ a CSO/CISO who is responsible for security," says Trevor Halstead, product specialist, talent services, Cybrary.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Under Cyber Siege: Nearly Half of Americans Report Being Victims of Scam or Fraud; Majority Say

Under Cyber Siege: Nearly Half of Americans Report Being Victims of Scam or Fraud; Majority Say: The Digital Citizens Alliance is a consumer-oriented coalition focused on educating the public and policy makers on the threats that consumers face on the Internet and the importance for Internet stakeholders

Ultimate Guide to Harvard Referencing - Cite This For Me

Ultimate Guide to Harvard Referencing - Cite This For Me: Blogs are regularly updated webpages that are generally run by an individual.

Monday, August 29, 2016

These countries are facing the greatest skills shortages | World Economic Forum

These countries are facing the greatest skills shortages | World Economic Forum: The scale of the problem varies from country to country, but is particularly bad in Japan, where 81% of firms (with 10 or more employees) have difficulty finding qualified employees, according to recent data from the OECD

Articles by Steve Morgan | CSO Online

Articles by Steve Morgan | CSO Online: The Cybersecurity Market Report is published quarterly and covers the business of cybersecurity, including global market sizing and industry forecasts from consolidated research

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Half of High School Seniors Lack Access to Computer Science -- THE Journal

Half of High School Seniors Lack Access to Computer Science -- THE Journal: Only 22 percent of 12th graders say they’ve ever taken a computer science course, according to the analysis.

Ashley Madison Blasted Over Fake Security Award

Ashley Madison Blasted Over Fake Security Award: How not to do data security

If a company’s main product is discreet sexual services, it should probably lock down its customer data good and tight.

Federal CIO: More than 10,000 Openings for Cyber Pros in the Federal Government -

Federal CIO: More than 10,000 Openings for Cyber Pros in the Federal Government -

In November of 2015, federal CIO Tony Scott said he was "attempting to fill more than 10,000 estimated openings for cyber professionals in the federal government"

Reporter's Notebook: Testing Out the World's First Self-Driving Taxi

Reporter's Notebook: Testing Out the World's First Self-Driving Taxi

The biggest threat facing connected autonomous vehicles is cybersecurity | TechCrunch

The biggest threat facing connected autonomous vehicles is
cybersecurity | TechCrunch

How We Can Identify Promising Candidates for Open IT Security Positions

How We Can Identify Promising Candidates for Open IT Security Positions

Apple could be on the hook for $19 billion in taxes, and the Obama administration is livid

Apple could be on the hook for $19 billion in taxes, and the Obama
administration is livid

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

New computer science course’s challenge is finding qualified teachers to teach it | EdSource

New computer science course’s challenge is finding qualified teachers to teach it | EdSource: Expansion of a new Advanced Placement computer science course aimed at drawing young women and minorities into high-tech fields is being hampered by a nationwide shortage of teachers qualified to teach it.

Manpower says businesses face 'crippling talent shortage’ across the world

Manpower says businesses face 'crippling talent shortage’ across the world: ManpowerGroup 2015 Talent Shortage survey released��
Monday, 18 May 2015 | 11:00 AM ET|00:34
More than one-third of employers around the world are experiencing difficulty filling job positions, global employment consultancy Manpower reported on Monday.

Cybersecurity job market to suffer severe workforce shortage | CSO Online

Cybersecurity job market to suffer severe workforce shortage | CSO Online: Symantec is pursuing another option, which may spur a trend if it works. The National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom), a non-profit trade association in the Indian information technology and business process outsourcing industry, and Symantec recently signed a pact to develop world class skilled and certified cyber-security professionals

Automated Cybersecurity Tools Can Aid Agencies Facing a Talent Gap | FedTech Magazine

Automated Cybersecurity Tools Can Aid Agencies Facing a Talent Gap | FedTech Magazine: ...And as part of the president’s Cybersecurity National Action Plan, the administration seeks to spend $62 million to combat cyberworkforce shortages. In terms of staffing, the federal government will cast a wider net to include candidates who know foreign languages, biology and anthropology; will emphasize critical measures such as training, scholarships and debt forgiveness; and will create a corps of cyberprofessionals to instill best practices across government.

Rockwell Automation addresses global skills shortage

Rockwell Automation addresses global skills shortage - Plant & Works Engineering: The five steps for addressing workforce availability include:

 • Improving machinery design to address ergonomics and safety risks for a more diverse workforce, including older and younger workers.

 • Building a Connected Enterprise to improve productivity and efficiency through information-enabled operations.

 • Training workers to preserve and pass on the knowledge of experienced workers, and to equip workers with the skills needed to take advantage of new technologies.

 • Leveraging vendors and suppliers to augment core competencies when specialised skills are only occasionally required or when local talent is not available.

 • Engaging the community to improve the skills and availability of young workers.

Only 1 in 60 students have access to digital learning opportunities outside of the classroom

Only 1 in 60 students have access to digital learning opportunities outside of the classroom: The latest numbers from the UK Parliament estimate that the digital skills gap currently costs the UK #63 billion a year. This number is hardly surprising when only 35% of teachers in the UK have the relevant degree to be teaching these skills. As a result, students need to turn to other sources of information to not only find out what options are available to them after they leave education, but to get to grips with the skills that they need to succeed once they do.

Half of High School Seniors Lack Access to Computer Science -- THE Journal

Half of High School Seniors Lack Access to Computer Science -- THE Journal: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3.8 million people in the United States work in computing occupations. Yet, CTEq determined last year that more than twice as many — 7.7 million Americans — said they use computers in complex ways in their jobs.

New Data: Bridging the Computer Science Access Gap | Change the Equation

New Data: Bridging the Computer Science Access Gap | Change the Equation: yet only 22 percent of U.S. 12th-graders say they have ever taken a computer programming class

Secrecy News 07/17/01

Secrecy News 07/17/01: "James Bamford has done more than any other individual to shed light on the National Security Agency and to promote public accountability of this intensely secretive organization, dating back to his landmark 1982 book The Puzzle Palace. The list of his reportorial coups to the present day is long and impressive."

Snowden’s New Lies for Old | The XX Committee

Snowden’s New Lies for Old | The XX Committee: "As I’ve said before, whether Ed was cooperating with the Russians before he reached Moscow is a debatable question, but his status with the FSB now is not actually an open matter, as everyone who understands Russian intelligence knows. Bamford believes his subject is the first Western intelligence defector to Russia ever not to cooperate with the Kremlin’s secret services, and that is his right. It is also everyone else’s right to point out this claim is ridiculous." Schindler

So you want to know about NSA … | The XX Committee

So you want to know about NSA … | The XX Committee: Bamford’s writings on NSA, which are considerable, are noted for their quantity, not quality.

Half of High School Seniors Lack Access to Computer Science -- THE Journal

Half of High School Seniors Lack Access to Computer Science -- THE Journal: More than half of high school seniors attend schools that don’t offer computer science, according to a new analysis by Change the Equation, a nonprofit organization that aims to mobilize businesses to improve STEM learning.

The Real Russian Mole Inside NSA | | Observer

The Real Russian Mole Inside NSA | | Observer

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hacking a WordPress Botnet - Wordfence

Hacking a WordPress Botnet - Wordfence: "While analyzing some of the attacks we see on the Wordfence Web Application Firewall, we discovered code that an attacker was trying to upload that was part of a botnet."

'via Blog this'

SXSW PanelPicker

SXSW PanelPicker: Imagine the consequences of a drone in the hands of a hacker.

How do I interpret data in SPSS for an independent samples T-test?

How do I interpret data in SPSS for an independent samples T-test?: "You can conclude that there is no statistically significant difference between your two conditions. You can conclude that the differences between condition Means are likely due to chance and not likely due to the IV manipulation.

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Sunday, August 21, 2016

NICE strategic plan lays path for training cyber workforce

NICE strategic plan lays path for training cyber workforce: “Together, as a community, we can collectively make progress to close the cybersecurity skills gap and enhance our economic and national security.”

Top US Undergraduate Computer Science Programs Skip Cybersecurity Classes

Top US Undergraduate Computer Science Programs Skip Cybersecurity Classes: An analysis of the top 121 US university computer science and engineering programs found that none of the top 10 requires students take a cybersecurity class for their degree in computer science, and three of the top 10 don’t offer any cybersecurity courses at all.

IEEE Quote on cybersecurity path - Platt

“This confusion causes the profession to grow less efficiently than it could,” says IEEE Senior Member Greg Shannon, chief scientist for the CERT Division at Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute, in Pittsburgh, and chair of the IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative. “People can’t say, ‘These are the credentials I need’ and ‘This is how much it is going to cost me to get them.’”

Universities aren’t doing enough to train the cyberdefenders America desperately needs - The Washington Post

Universities aren’t doing enough to train the cyberdefenders America desperately needs - The Washington Post: None of America's top 10 computer science programs -- as ranked by U.S. News & World Report in 2015 -- requires graduates to take even one cybersecurity course, according to a new analysis from security firm CloudPassage.

Report Shows Few Solutions to Filling Cyber Skills Gap | SecurityWeek.Com

Report Shows Few Solutions to Filling Cyber Skills Gap | SecurityWeek.Com: few new insights and no new solutions to the problem

Cyber security sector struggles to fill skills gap -

Cyber security sector struggles to fill skills gap - Global demand for cyber security experts is forecast to outstrip supply by a third before the end of the decade, with companies struggling against what one senior industry figure has called the “largest human capital shortage in the world”.

The Most Serious Skill Gap Of All - Forbes

The Most Serious Skill Gap Of All - Forbes: Here is the biggest and most dangerous skills gap of all: It’s the gap between our employees’ limited or nonexistent awareness of themselves as economic units, and the reality of the world we are living in now.

Sadly truthy...

Sadly truthy...

Cybersecurity Snapshot: Cyberthreats, Regulations, Workforce Issues in 2016 - ISACA Now

Cybersecurity Snapshot: Cyberthreats, Regulations, Workforce Issues in 2016 - ISACA Now: "Finding well-qualified cybersecurity professionals, however, is an ongoing, global issue. Nearly half of global organizations are planning to hire more cybersecurity personnel in 2016, and 94% say they will expect to have a difficult time finding skilled candidates."

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Consumer Attitudes Toward Data Breach Notifications and Loss of Personal Information | RAND

Consumer Attitudes Toward Data Breach Notifications and Loss of Personal Information | RAND: nationally representative survey of the consumer experience with data breaches

Report Shows Few Solutions to Filling Cyber Skills Gap | SecurityWeek.Com

"Our experience shows that the lack of security managers is more severe and impactful than the lack of technology experts. Growing technical skills is important, but seeing a bigger picture of all threats or those relevant to a particular business is paramount." _ Kaspersky

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Reimagining the Cybersecurity Profession | US News

Reimagining the Cybersecurity Profession | US News: "In reality, there are dozens of different types of cybersecurity jobs that have nothing to do with computer programming. In fact, 48 percent of the workforce in cyber risk management is comprised of women."

'via Blog this'

Charger: Omnicharge: Smart & Compact Portable Power Bank | Indiegogo | Indiegogo

Charger: Omnicharge: Smart & Compact Portable Power Bank | Indiegogo | Indiegogo: World's smallest power bank with (1) AC/DC Power Outlet and (2) USB Fast-Charging ports for charging or powering nearly any device.

11 things you can do to protect against ransomware, including Cryptolocker

11 things you can do to protect against ransomware, including Cryptolocker: Ransomware is malicious software that cyber criminals use to hold your computer or computer files for ransom, demanding payment from you to get them back.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Motor Mouth: Will your self-driving car kidnap you? | Driving

Motor Mouth: Will your self-driving car kidnap you? | Driving: "Imagine, then, the horror of little Jasper and Khaleesi stuck in the backseat of a self-driving car, destination unknown, with a miscreant that could be anywhere from Alberta to Albania." David Booth

Facebook's plan to circumvent ad-blocking makes malvertising easy by Violet Blue - potential, threat, defense on Peerlyst

Facebook's plan to circumvent ad-blocking makes malvertising easy by Violet Blue - potential, threat, defense on Peerlyst: "Malware, ransomware, fraud, and 0-day attack vectors will now be a part of the Facebook experience."

404 to 301 Plugin Considered Harmful - Wordfence

404 to 301 Plugin Considered Harmful - Wordfence: "I’m reasonably sure that no sane webmaster would agree to:

Cloaking, which is specifically banned by Google and will result in a search engine penalty.
[Or] Allowing ads to be inserted into their site over which they have no editorial control, including PayDay loan ads."

SecurityBrief Australia - Heard of Jackware? When connected cars meet ransomware

SecurityBrief Australia - Heard of Jackware? When connected cars meet ransomware: Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the IoIT currently poses as big a threat as ransomware does. But part of my job is to look beyond the present – and I’m concerned that a future headline will read: “The Year of Jackware.”

Monday, August 15, 2016

Why you need a CSO/CISO | CIO

Why you need a CSO/CISO | CIO: "There's no specific path for becoming a CSO/CISO; there is a propensity for coming from IT and IT security, and there's definitely an emphasis on integrating that with the needs of the business. You need to have someone with the security background, the experience and certifications that are enriched by business knowledge," says Fajer.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Monday, August 8, 2016

IoT will account for nearly half of connected devices by 2020, Cisco says | ZDNet

IoT will account for nearly half of connected devices by 2020, Cisco says | ZDNet: By 2020, M2M connections should represent nearly half -- 46 percent -- of total connected devices, the report says.

VNI Global Fixed and Mobile IP Network Traffic Forecasts - Cisco

VNI Global Fixed and Mobile IP Network Traffic Forecasts - Cisco:

  • By 2020, there will be nearly 4.1 billion global Internet users (more than 52 percent of the world's population), up from 3.0 billion in 2015.
  • By 2020, there will be 26.3 billion networked devices and connections globally, up from 16.3 billion in 2015.

Gartner Says 6.4 Billion Connected "Things" Will Be in Use in 2016, Up 30 Percent From 2015

Gartner Says 6.4 Billion Connected "Things" Will Be in Use in 2016, Up 30 Percent From 2015: Gartner, Inc. forecasts that 6.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide in 2016, up 30 percent from 2015, and will reach 20.8 billion by 2020. In 2016, 5.5 million new things will get connected every day.

The Internet of Things: Consumer, Industrial & Public Services - Juniper Research

The Internet of Things: Consumer, Industrial & Public Services - Juniper Research: Juniper’s IoT (Internet of Things) research provides a comprehensive perspective on the three key market segments encompassing IoT applications

Major Qualcomm chip security flaws expose 900M Android users | Ars Technica

Major Qualcomm chip security flaws expose 900M Android users | Ars Technica

Critical for data protection to be at the top of the boardroom agenda - Infosecurity Magazine

Critical for data protection to be at the top of the boardroom agenda - Infosecurity Magazine: Organizations, regardless of size or industry, now have two years to adhere to the new EU data protection regulation and should use this time to take control of their data.

Security Think Tank: Infosec pros need to identify and protect GDPR-relevant data

Security Think Tank: Infosec pros need to identify and protect GDPR-relevant data: What is the role of information security professionals in helping organisations to ensure they are compliant with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by 25 May 2018?

Adult education: There's no age limit to learning at Leicester — University of Leicester

Adult education: There's no age limit to learning at Leicester — University of Leicester: If you are over 21, didn't go to university after school or college and are interested in finding out more about getting into higher education...

NYU, Google Researchers Hack the Business Model of Adware, Scareware, and Other Unwanted Software | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

NYU, Google Researchers Hack the Business Model of Adware, Scareware, and Other Unwanted Software | NYU Tandon School of Engineering: A team of researchers from Google and the New York University Tandon School of Engineering next week will offer the first public view into shady practices that deliver unwanted advertising and software bundled with legitimate downloads

DARPA Funds IoT Malware Detection Project -

DARPA Funds IoT Malware Detection Project - The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is funding research that may allow future users to wirelessly monitor internet of things devices for malicious software.

Supercomputers offer a look at cybersecurity's automated future | Computerworld

Supercomputers offer a look at cybersecurity's automated future | Computerworld: The result: the supercomputers time and time again detected simulated flaws in software.

VIZIO SmartCast™ P-Series 50” Class Ultra HD HDR Home Theater Display™ - Black ( P50-C1 ) : Target

VIZIO SmartCast™ P-Series 50" Class Ultra HD HDR Home Theater Display™
- Black ( P50-C1 ) : Target

Saturday, August 6, 2016

White House set to split Pentagon ‘Cyber Command’ from NSA

White House set to split Pentagon 'Cyber Command' from NSA

"the Pentagon is planning $35 billion in cyber spending over the next
five years."

Friday, August 5, 2016

Arts education provides essential tools

A 2008 study conducted by Americans for the Arts found that creativity is one of the top three personality traits (including intelligence and personability) most important to career success, according to U.S. employers.

NNFS: non-profit umbrella system

NNFS: Fiscal sponsorship generally entails a nonprofit organization (the “fiscal sponsor”) agreeing to provide administrative services and oversight to, and assume some or all of the legal and financial responsibility for, the activities of groups or individuals engaged in work that relates to the fiscal sponsor’s mission.

Cyberattacks cost companies £34bn in past year, study shows

"Cyberattacks cost UK companies £34.1 billion in the past year, according to a study commissioned by internet services provider Beaming.

The research revealed the most serious cyber security threats to businesses, with managing malware costing £7.5 billion last year and data incidents costing £6.2 billion, compared with the financial impact of burglary, which cost £5.8 billion over the same period."

Skills gap exposing business to growing cyber threat » ApprenticeEye

"The growing cyber skills gap is set to have major consequences for UK businesses, according to a new study. More than 75% of the CIOs that took part in the Robert Half survey said they believed unless something serious was done, their businesses wouldn't have the skills to cope with a cyber attack"

Professionals Across the Globe Agree: Governments Don’t Invest Enough in Cyber -

"33 percent of respondents to a recent survey — spanning eight nations — said a cyber skills shortage does "direct and measurable damage" to their organizations, according to ajoint report compiled by Intel Security and Washington think tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies"

Monday, August 1, 2016

Record a PowerPoint or Keynote Presentation

Record a PowerPoint or Keynote Presentation: Camtasia records all activity on your screen within the selected recording area. Camtasia also captures any slide titles which can be used to create a table of contents.