Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Europol arrested members of a gang behind Zeus And SpyEyeSecurity Affairs

...suspects are the members of a gang that has been accused of infecting tens of thousands of computers worldwide with the popular Zeus and SpyEye banking Trojans and other malicious codes.


Monday, June 29, 2015

AFGE files Class Action Lawsuit against OPM Officials over Data Breach | Jun 29, 2015 | AFGE

AFGE files Class Action Lawsuit against OPM Officials over Data Breach | Jun 29, 2015 | AFGE: Even after this historic security breach, OPM has continued to use poor data security practices and inferior private-sector strategies to solve its security woes.

Even Behind Closed Doors, Senators Aren't Getting Their OPM-Hack Questions Answered - NationalJournal.com

Even Behind Closed Doors, Senators Aren't Getting Their OPM-Hack Questions Answered - NationalJournal.com: At issue are a pair of cyberattacks that breached OPM's data servers in 2014, resulting in the theft of the personal information of as many as 18 million current and former federal workers. One attack, which occurred in April 2014, affected more than 4 million employees. Another, which was much larger in scale, likely affected the more sensitive personnel records gathered whenever someone applies for a security clearance.

Hackers Stole Secrets of U.S. Government Workers’ Sex Lives - The Daily Beast

Hackers Stole Secrets of U.S. Government Workers’ Sex Lives - The Daily Beast: details, which are now presumed to be in the hands of Chinese spies, are found in the so-called “adjudication information” that U.S. investigators compile on government employees and contractors who are applying for security clearances

Viprinet Specifications and Prices | Wired Broadcast

Viprinet Specifications and Prices | Wired Broadcast: used a Viprinet
VPN1610 to bond four 3G
networks, providing a reliable
4.5MB/s upstream for the press to
upload photos and videos

Crystal Balls vs. Calculators | Josh Kopelman | LinkedIn

Crystal Balls vs. Calculators | Josh Kopelman | LinkedIn: History has shown that great funds can consistently produce great returns even during a poor market environment.

Hackers Stole Secrets of U.S. Government Workers’ Sex Lives - The Daily Beast

There's this...


From My iPhone

Securezoo Public Assessment

Check it out:


Friday, June 26, 2015

Calif. Study: High-Minority High Schools Offer Little Computer Science – ACCESS

Calif. Study: High-Minority High Schools Offer Little Computer Science – ACCESS: "For instance, last year not a single black student took the Advanced Placement computer science exam in 12 states, and no Hispanic students took it in six states.

The authors of Path Not Found: Disparities in Computer Science Course Access in California High Schools point out that California public school students’ enrollment in computer science courses is lackluster overall.

Sixty-five percent of public high schools in the state offer no computer science courses. Just 13 percent offer the AP computer science course.

And 10 of the state’s largest 20 districts do not offer computer science at all.

But the numbers are most dismal at low-income and majority-minority schools, the study found, using data from the California education department.



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Thursday, June 25, 2015

How Red Teaming Gain Greater Immediate Traction Over Auditing - Optimal Risk

How Red Teaming Gain Greater Immediate Traction Over Auditing - Optimal Risk: A Red Team process often does this by taking a holistic approach to assessing and exploiting security vulnerabilities particularly once the 'perimeter' is breached through a phishing attack, which is characteristic of the large majority of advanced attack scenarios.

Jurors award $2.25M in “devious defecator” case - The Washington Post

Jurors award $2.25M in “devious defecator” case - The Washington Post: Yesterday, in what U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg dubbed “the case of devious defecators,” jurors awarded $2.25 million dollars to Jack Lowe and Dennis Reynolds for the harm they suffered from having their DNA unlawfully obtained by their employers

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cyber Security Survey: Fear of cybercrime up 66 percent in US

Cyber Security Survey: Fear of cybercrime up 66 percent in US: " stark concerns over the increasing personal and business risks posed by cybercrime and the growing likelihood that cybercrime acts will escalate to physical retaliation. "

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The Global Cybercrime Industry: Economic, Institutional and Strategic ... - Nir Kshetri - Google Books

The Global Cybercrime Industry: Economic, Institutional and Strategic ... - Nir Kshetri - Google Books:

Check it out...later.

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Hackers: From innocent curiosity to illegal activity - TechRepublic

The researchers divided the process of evolving into a criminal hacker into three stages: initiation, growth, and maturation.


Nmap Free Security scanner for Android

Good starter app for Android explorers.


hyundai bluelink cache and rental cars

Does this lead anywhere?


Friday, June 19, 2015

Colorado’s highest court upholds firing of workers for medical marijuana use

Colorado’s highest court upholds firing of workers for medical marijuana use: Medical marijuana patients in Colorado could lose their jobs for using cannabis because the drug remains illegal under federal law, the state’s highest court ruled on Monday, upholding the firing of a quadriplegic who tested positive for pot.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ovum research shows privileged users are highest risk to data for 54 percent of IT decision makers (ITDMs) in European organisations - IT SECURITY GURU

Insider threat...


From My iPhone

To little too late

Move Over, Alexander Hamilton: A Woman Is Going On The $10 Bill:

"America’s currency is a way for our nation to make a statement about who we are and what we stand for. Our paper bills -- and the images of great American leaders and symbols they depict—have long been a way for us to honor our past and express our values,” Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said in a statement. “We have only made changes to the faces on our currency a few times since bills were first put into circulation, and I’m proud that the new 10 will be the first bill in more than a century to feature the portrait of a woman."

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

10 highest-paying IT security jobs | CSO Online

10 highest-paying IT security jobs | CSO Online: "In addition to knowing best practices and recommended procedures, they must also possess solid communication, negotiation and project management skills. Organizations look for consultants with many years of experience, as well as a working knowledge of industry rules, regulations and broad and deep knowledge of enterprise security vendors and products."


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Friday, June 12, 2015

Premera Data Breach Coincides With Fraudulent Tax Return Filings Nationwide - Goldman, Scarlato & Penny

Premera Data Breach Coincides With Fraudulent Tax Return Filings Nationwide - Goldman, Scarlato & Penny: In March 2015, health insurer Premera Blue Cross reported a data breach that exposed the data of 11 million customers and employees. The Premera data breach announcement followed shortly on the heels of a February announcement by Anthem Inc., the second largest health insurer in the country, that its database containing personal information for almost 80 million of its customers and employees was hacked.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

DDoS attacks starting to resemble APTs, warns Imperva

DDoS attacks starting to resemble APTs, warns Imperva: ""As a result, it’s important for enterprises of all sizes to understand the risks DDoS attacks pose and create a readiness plan.”"

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Monday, June 8, 2015

Constructing Research Questions: Doing Interesting Research - Mats Alvesson, Jorgen Sandberg - Google Books

Constructing Research Questions: Doing Interesting Research - Mats Alvesson, Jorgen Sandberg - Google Books 



Saturday, June 6, 2015

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Annual Reports

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Annual Reports

Internet Crime Complaint Center
Executive Summary
In 2011, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) actively pursued its mission to address crimes committed using the Internet, providing services to both victims of online crimes and to law enforcement. Statistics in this report reveal IC3’s success. IC3 marked the third year in a row that it received over 300,000 complaints, a 3.4-percent increase over the previous year. The adjusted dollar loss of complaints was $485.3 million.

The 2011 IC3 Internet Crime Report reveals both the scope of online crime and IC3’s battle against it. The most common victim complaints included FBI-related scams, identity theft and advance fee fraud.

IC3 received and processed more than 26,000 complaints per month. Based on victim complaints, the top five states were California (34,169), Florida (20,034), Texas (18,477), New York (15,056) and Ohio (12,661). Victims in California reported the highest dollar losses with a total of $70.5 million. For victims reporting financial losses, the average was $4,187. IC3 serves as a powerful conduit for law enforcement to share information and pursue cases that often span jurisdictional
boundaries. Collaboration within this partnership has produced a number of technological advancements to streamline how the public’s complaints are processed and referred to investigators. Initially established as simply a convenient method for citizens to report Internet crime information, IC3 has evolved into a vital resource for both victims of online crime and for law enforcement across the country that investigate and prosecute a wide range of cases.
Methodology of evaluating loss amounts: FBI IC3 Unit staff reviewed for validity all complaints that reported a loss of more than $100,000. Analysts also converted losses reported
in foreign currencies to dollars. The final amounts of all reported losses above $100,000 for which the complaint information did not support the loss amount were excluded from the statistics.
Complaint category statistics that are based on the perceptions of the complaints are not typically accurate for statistical purposes. The statistics pulled from the complaints themselves, however, are considerably more accurate as they are categorized and grouped through the IC3 automated system.

IC3 does not verify complaint data.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Ultimate Didgeridoo with CD, Bag, Booklet - The Didgeridoo Store

Ultimate Didgeridoo with CD, Bag, Booklet - The Didgeridoo Store: "Your first Didgeridoo should sound excellent, play easily, and be super durable. We have over 10 years of experience playing and making Didgeridoos and can say with confidence that this is the best beginner Didgeridoo out there."

Thursday, June 4, 2015

'Up-Goer Five' text editor restricts writers to 1000 most commonly used words

'Up-Goer Five' text editor restricts writers to 1000 most commonly used words: Geneticist Theo Sanderson has written a simple text editor that allows a writer to use only words from a list of the 1000 ("ten hundred" since "thousand" isn't on the list) most commonly used words in the English language, to describe things.

The Up-Goer Five Text Editor

The Up-Goer Five Text Editor: Can you explain a hard idea using only the ten hundred most used words? It's not very easy.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What Pain Management Patients Need to Know Video

What Pain Management Patients Need to Know Video: Staff responsible for processing new patients is the clinic's first line of defense.


MIFA: The 2014 Fifth Annual Study on Medical Identity Theft measures the prevalence, extent and impact of medical identity theft to consumers and the healthcare industry in the United States. The incidence of medical identity theft continues to rise.

Cybercrime & the Internet of Threats - Juniper Research

Cybercrime & the Internet of Threats - Juniper Research

As more and more business infrastructure moves online, so do those wishing to destroy or defraud that infrastructure.