Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Jesse Willms, the Dark Lord of the Internet - Atlantic Mobile


Regulatory authorities like the FTC are undermanned; courts seem reluctant to punish offenders; and worse yet, even the sheriffs we believe are imposing order online—Google, Yahoo, Microsoft—often end up providing scammers with a platform for deception.

From My iPhone

Covert action in Colombia | The Washington Post


And, as a drug-trafficking organization, the FARC's status as a threat to U.S. national security had been settled years earlier with Reagan's counternarcotics finding. At the time, the crack cocaine epidemic was at its height, and the government decided that organizations that brought drugs to America's streets were a threat to national security.

From My iPhone

Sunday, December 29, 2013

This Flying Ambulance May Save Wounded Soldiers from Certain Death

The AirMule's fully-ducted fans make it unique among UAV's. Since the rotors are protected from obstacles and debris, the AirMule will be able to easily and safely operate within urban environments—something that neither traditional propeller or rotor-driven UAVs can do.


Business Insider


From My iPhone

Susan Rice: NSA Officials Didn’t Lie, They ‘Inadvertently Made False Representations’ | Mediaite

"There are many things we do in intelligence that, if revealed, would have the potential for all kinds of blowback," Clapper told a House panel  on October

From My iPhone

How did the NSA hack our emails?


From My iPhone

NSA drowning in overcollected data, can't do its job properly - Boing Boing


Like we predicted.

From My iPhone

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Friday, December 27, 2013

Weird link bill on cyber tools

(1) To identify the intelligence, law enforcement, and financial sanctions tools that can and should be used to suppress the trade in cyber tools and infrastructure that are or can be used for criminal, terrorist, or military activities while preserving the ability of governments and the private sector to use such tools for legitimate purposes of self-defense.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Device Identification & Device Fingerprinting | iovation


We can already give you the lowdown on 1.5 billion of them. In many cases, what appears to be a new device to you is not a new device to iovation. In fact, we've already seen and re-recognized the originating device for 84 percent of all transactions deemed fraudulent at our customers' sites. And we're meeting more devices—and learning more about them—all the time

Counterfeit wine: A vintage crime - CBS News

He says he has spent $4.5 million on 421 bottles of wine that turned out to be counterfeit. "So it's a pretty big swindle."

From My iPhone

Friday, December 20, 2013

"what is an oyster flight" - Google Search


Seriously, am I the first person to ask this question?

From My iPhone

Meet the contractors analyzing your private data - Salon.com

Private companies are getting rich probing your personal information for the government. Call it Digital Blackwater

From My iPhone

Looking back at NSA revelations since the Snowden leaks | PBS NewsHour | Dec. 12, 2013 | PBS


MARGARET WARNER: The boxy, one million-square-foot complex rising from the Utah desert outside Salt Lake City, ringed by heavy security and code-named Bumblehive, is the latest data mining center of the National Security Agency, or NSA.

From My iPhone

Business Insider


Seven months had passed since they'd launched an undercover operation against a suspected Chinese arms-trafficking network - one of scores operating in support of Beijing's ambitious military expansion into outer space.

From My iPhone

What's the ROI from Telehealth Programs?


From My iPhone

Healthcare Intelligence Network- Chart of the Week: What's the ROI from Telehealth Programs?


From My iPhone

Custom Square Coated Board Coaster (16pt.) with Logo

Custom Square Coated Board Coaster (16pt.) with Logo: This coated board coaster comes in a square shape. This is made out of 16 point white board.

PrintGlobe | Custom Beer Coasters | Branded Beer Coasters


Get your brand recognized at your next important event or function with custom beer coasters.

From My iPhone

John Bolton: Edward Snowden 'Ought To Swing From A Tall Oak Tree'


Hang Snowden?

From My iPhone

Saab Wins $4.5 Billion Brazil Order as Spat Hurts Boeing - Bloomberg

Saab AB (SAABB) surged in Stockholmas it beat Boeing Co. (BA) to supply 36 jet fighters for Brazil's air force after President Dilma Rousseff called alleged U.S. spying on her government an affront to the South American nation.

From My iPhone

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

There is no freedom without freedom of movement - Estonian World

There is no freedom without freedom of movement - Estonian World:

British prime minister David Cameron recently caused a furore when suggesting that in future, the immigration from poorer EU countries to the UK should be restricted, thus undermining and ignoring one of the fundamental EU principles – the free movement of workers. David Cameron also described the immigration from A8 (including Estonia) countries to the UK since 2004 as “a big mistake”. Adam Garrie argues why the prime minister is wrong on this.

Video shows STUNNING penguin ‘traveling wave’ [VIDEO] | Science Recorder


From My iPhone

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) - Overview

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) - Overview: PISA 2012 assessed students’ mathematics, reading, and science literacy. PISA 2012 also included computer-based assessments in mathematics literacy, reading literacy, and general problem solving, and an assessment of students' financial literacy.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A guide to enterprise iOS management: Features, devices and security

With the iPhone Configuration Utility, mobile device management (MDM) application program interfaces(APIs) for iOS, Apple Configurator and some new iOS 6 features that have IT in mind, iOS management is slowly getting easier. But it's not a breeze yet. Until the day that managing 1,000 iPads is a snap, consult this guide to enterprise iOS management.

From My iPhone

Monday, December 16, 2013

Get Inspired | Turnstone sit on it


From My iPhone

Se hela intervjun med Glenn Greenwald - Uppdrag Granskning | SVT.se


Glenn Greenwald: - Their goal, that they wake up every day to fulfill, is to ensure that all forms of human electronic communication, things that take place over the telephone, or over the internet, is collected by the NSA, and then stored, monitored and analyzed, so that there is no human communication that takes place, beyond the surveillance reach of the NSA. Ultimately that is the real revelation, of all of these documents.

From My iPhone

Coding Horror: Better Image Resizing


Bicubic image enlargement.

From My iPhone

MANHIGH II - (Simons) -1957-


During this flight, Simon's balloon achieved a world's altitude free balloon record of 101,516 feet (30,942 meters). For this achievement, he was awarded a certificate from the Federation Aeronautique Internationale. In 1962 Simons wrote a book about his experience entitled MANHIGH.

From My iPhone

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Leaked Documents Reveal Budget Breakdown Between CIA, NSA : NPR

Leaked Documents Reveal Budget Breakdown Between CIA, NSA : NPR: STEVEN AFTERGOOD: NRO used to be close to twice the budget of CIA, and NSA was 25 percent bigger than CIA. And now, those numbers have nearly reversed, and it's CIA that is 50 percent bigger than those other agencies.

Photo Enlargement

Photo Enlargement: Kneson Software's revolutionary Kneson Unlimited enlargement engine that converts pixels into vectors for enlargement then back into unlimited enlargements.*
*limited only by computer memory

Monday, December 9, 2013

On November 5, 1603, a man called Guy Fawkes

On November 5, 1603, a man called Guy Fawkes was apprehended trying to blow up parliament.

Killing off the leadership of a country is a classic tactic of extremists, fundamentalists, dictators, in short, anyone who wants to impose their agenda and belief system on a population. Examples from modern times include Khmer Rouge and the Nazis.

In recent years, in a massive collision
of irony and ignorance, some groups that advocate liberty and freedom have taken as their symbol a mask resembling guy Fawkes

From My iPhone

Circumpolar Mural - Digital Blasphemy| Murals Your Way


Lack of resources exposes organizations to APTs, study finds - SC Magazine


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Someone's Been Siphoning Data Through a Huge Security Hole in the Internet | Threat Level | Wired.com

Someone's Been Siphoning Data Through a Huge Security Hole in the Internet | Threat Level | Wired.com: But the technique demonstrated at DefCon, and now spotted in the wild, allows an attacker to send his announcement in such a way that it is delivered only to select routers. So, once the traffic passes through his router, it gets directed to its rightful destination through routers that never got the bogus announcement. The attack intercepts only traffic headed to target addresses, not from them.

UT Documents

UT Documents: I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist.

Subsentio :: Home

Subsentio :: Home: Subsentio is a service bureau whose technical solutions connect a lawful intercept from the customer to the Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement monitoring centers to comply with lawfully authorized electronic surveillance (LAES) court orders.

Cryppies, Day Ladies, and Whiffling: The Just-Declassified Lingo of the NSA - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic

Cryppies, Day Ladies, and Whiffling: The Just-Declassified Lingo of the NSA - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic: Cryppie: shortened form of "cryptanalyst"; used (and taken) by some as affectionate, by others as derogatory -- listen carefully for the tone of voice and check to see if the speaker is smiling or not.

FBI’s search for ‘Mo,’ suspect in bomb threats, highlights use of malware for surveillance - The Washington Post


Following the Wh1t3 Rabbit - A Security blog by Rafal Los: Enterprise Security Professionals Getting Out of the Enterprise?



From My iPhone

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Do Antivirus Companies Whitelist NSA Malware? - InformationWeek

Do Antivirus Companies Whitelist NSA Malware? - InformationWeek:

I predict that in 2014 every major newspaper and magazine will perpetuate, to the detriment of data security and human understanding, the grossly erroneous notion that "for an antivirus firm to spot malware, it first needs to have seen the malware, recognized that it's malicious code, and written a corresponding virus signature for its products."

The fact that this is simply not true, and has not been true for many years, will not deter people from repeating it, over and over.

A bit like Autotrend saying that cars cannot be started without first engaging the crank handle.

Wall Street, investment bankers, and social good : The New Yorker

Wall Street, investment bankers, and social good : The New Yorker: Rent capture causes the misallocation of labor and capital, transfers substantial wealth to bankers and financiers, and, at worst, induces systemic failure. Both impose social costs on their own, but in combination they create a perfect storm of wealth destruction.”

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

SkyJack - autonomous drone hacking

SkyJack - autonomous drone hacking:

"Using a Parrot AR.Drone 2, a Raspberry Pi, a USB battery, an Alfa AWUS036H wireless transmitter, aircrack-ng, node-ar-drone, node.js, and my SkyJack software, I developed a drone that flies around, seeks the wireless signal of any other drone in the area..."

U.S. Loses Over $71 Billion in Religious Tax Exemptions | Center for Inquiry

the tax exemptions enjoyed by religious institutions cost the U.S. a staggering $71 billion per year, at the least. Meanwhile, this religious privilege helps to subsidize the lavish homes and lifestyles of numerous clergy on the taxpayers' dime.


From My iPhone

Monday, December 2, 2013

Florida mom's photos used in more than 200 bogus Match.com profiles: $1.5 billion lawsuit - NY Daily News

Florida mom's photos used in more than 200 bogus Match.com profiles: $1.5 billion lawsuit - NY Daily News: 'Not a day goes by when someone doesn't tell me that they saw my pictures posted on Match.com or another web site,' says Yuliana Avalos, a Florida mom and part-time model who never actually signed up for the site. She charges the popular dating site with engaging in 'one of the biggest conspiracies ever executed on the Internet.'

Will of the WISP: Your company's Written Information Security Program

Will of the WISP: Your company's Written Information Security Program:

Here are some links to free information and samples that can help you tackle the WISP creation and implementation:
There are several commercial vendors that offer tools for implementing policy, for example Info-Tech's Security Policy Implementation tool.

Edu: http://my.gwu.edu/files/policies/InformationSecurityPolicyFINAL.pdf

Most SMBs have no Information Security Policies

Most SMBs have no Information Security Policies � Security Policy University: Phishing attacks are now among the top security risks for organizations. Yet, according to a recent survey of small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), a full Eighty-seven (87%) percent do not have a formal written Internet security policy for employees.


Information Security Policy and Procedures Manual

Information Security Policy and Procedures Manual | Instant Download | Dozens of Policies, Forms, Checklists, Samples, Examples, and More - myinformationsecuritypolicy.com: The "Information Security Policy and Procedures Manual", available for instant download, includes over 300 pages of professionally researched, industry leading information security policies, procedures, forms, checklists, templates, provisioning and hardening documents, and much more.

Information Security -�Office of Information Technology

Information Security -�Office of Information Technology:

Princeton University possesses information that is sensitive and valuable, e.g., personally identifiable information, financial data, building plans, research, and other information considered sensitive.

State Cyber and Information Security Policies

State Cyber and Information Security Policies:

E.g. Alabama Department of Finance, Information Services Division
Information Security Policy

Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Letter From Concerned Scientists | Cyber War! | FRONTLINE | PBS

A Letter From Concerned Scientists | Cyber War! | FRONTLINE | PBS: We, as concerned scientists and leaders, seek your help and offer ours. The critical infrastructure of the United States, including electrical power, finance, telecommunications, health care, transportation, water, defense and the Internet, is highly vulnerable to cyber attack.

UT WILD Outdoor / Wilderness Black Utility Kilt - UT Kilts

UT WILD Outdoor / Wilderness Black Utility Kilt - UT Kilts: The UT WILD is the ultimate kilt for the outdoor enthusiast. It comes with just about everything anyone would need that spends time in the outdoors.

Which Side of the Barricade Are You On? - Doug Sosnik - POLITICO Magazine

Which Side of the Barricade Are You On? - Doug Sosnik - POLITICO Magazine: The country’s dissatisfaction is evident in all the major polling trend lines. Since the beginning of the last decade, a majority of the country has believed that the country is heading in the wrong direction, regardless of which party was in power.

Meet the Spies Doing the NSA's Dirty Work - By Shane Harris | Foreign Policy


From My iPhone

Monday, November 25, 2013

Hardware Encryption Market by Algorithms, Applications & Products - 2018 | MarketsandMarkets

Hardware Encryption Market by Algorithms, Applications & Products - 2018 | MarketsandMarkets: The global hardware encryption market revenue is expected to reach $14.86 billion by end of 2013 is expected to grow to $166.67 billion in 2018 at a CAGR of 62.17%. Similarly, volumes are estimated to grow from roughly 59.76 million units to 691.79 million units in 2018 at a CAGR of 63.20%.

Friday, November 22, 2013

What Is the Difference: Viruses, Worms, Trojans, and Bots? - Cisco Systems

What Is the Difference: Viruses, Worms, Trojans, and Bots? - Cisco Systems: Viruses, worms, Trojans, and bots are all part of a class of software called malware. Malware or malicious code (malcode) is short for malicious software. It is code or software that is specifically designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or in general inflict some other “bad” or illegitimate action on data, hosts, or networks.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

DailyTech - Cheeky, Possibly Illegal Microsoft Memorabilia Trolls Google Over Data Theft


From My iPhone

SilverSky’s Holiday Security Study: Can You Spot the Spoof? | SilverSky

SilverSky’s Holiday Security Study: Can You Spot the Spoof? | SilverSky: Turns out spoofed emails are nothing new to most employees, with 73 percent having received these dangerous messages at both work and at home. A whopping 98 percent are confident they could spot a spoofed email, yet when presented with a blatantly fake email as part of our study, only 70 percent could say for sure that the FedEx email included in the survey was a fake. (Check out this infographic to see if you can spot the red flags in our sample email). Additionally, 16 percent came clean, admitting to opening a spoofed email and clicking on a bad link at some time in the past. And 71 percent know a co-worker who has gotten duped by a spoof email.

Snowden leaks: NSA conducted 231 offensive cyber-ops in 2011, hailed as 'active defense' — RT USA

Snowden leaks: NSA conducted 231 offensive cyber-ops in 2011, hailed as 'active defense' — RT USA: According to the US intelligence budget, by the end of this year a $652 million program named GENIE, which reportedly helps the US break into foreign networks to plant sophisticated malware in computers, routers and firewalls in tens of thousands of machines every year, will control at least 85,000 implants in strategically chosen computers around the world - four times the number available in 2008.

NSA failed to install anti-leak software at Snowden’s workplace - report — RT USA

NSA failed to install anti-leak software at Snowden’s workplace - report — RT USA: Snowden began downloading information connected with the NSA’s surveillance while working for Dell Inc. in April 2012. In late March or early April 2013, he was assigned by Booz Allen Hamilton to the NSA Hawaii facility, known as a Remote Operations Center. The facility is tasked with intercepting communications from Asia. According to The Washington Post, it is also involved with operations in cyberspace such as mapping adversaries' computer networks and implanting electronic beacons.

EFF's guide to the NSA's official malware - Boing Boing

EFF's guide to the NSA's official malware - Boing Boing: Once a victim visits a malicious website, how does the attacker actually infect the computer? Perhaps the most straightforward method is to trick the user into downloading and running software.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Holly Gilbert | Multimedia Journalist

Holly Gilbert | Multimedia Journalist: "Spoon pumpkin mixture into muffin cups, about 1/2 full. Then add one tablespoon of the cream cheese mixture right in the middle of the batter. Push it down with your finger to make sure its down there good!"

'via Blog this'

Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to disarm an infrastructure hacker - E & T Magazine

How to disarm an infrastructure hacker - E & T Magazine: ""We are at the beginning of a new and dangerous era of cyber warfare." That is the chilling warning from Mikko Hyponnen, chief research officer at Internet security company F-Secure."

Also, Bruce here:


and this




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For Their Eyes Only: The Commercialization of Digital Spying

For Their Eyes Only: The Commercialization of Digital Spying: "The report features new findings, as well as consolidating a year of our research on the commercial market for offensive computer network intrusion capabilities developed by Western companies."

'via Blog this'

Think Again: Cyberwar - By Thomas Rid | Foreign Policy

Think Again: Cyberwar - By Thomas Rid | Foreign Policy: "Time for a reality check: Cyberwar is still more hype than hazard. Consider the definition of an act of war: It has to be potentially violent, it has to be purposeful, and it has to be political. The cyberattacks we've seen so far, from Estonia to the Stuxnet virus, simply don't meet these criteria."

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Schneier on Security: The Threat of Cyberwar Has Been Grossly Exaggerated

Schneier on Security: The Threat of Cyberwar Has Been Grossly Exaggerated: "It's about who is in charge of cyber security, and how much control the government will exert over civilian networks. And by beating the drums of war, the military is coming out on top."

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Words Of War And Weakness: The Zero-Day Exploit Market

Words Of War And Weakness: The Zero-Day Exploit Market: "Intelligence on such weaknesses, and the tools needed to exploit them, now sell for considerable sums."

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The Citizen Lab - University of Toronto

The Citizen Lab - University of Toronto: "The Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada focusing on advanced research and development at the intersection of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), human rights, and global security"

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New Malware Brings Cyberwar One Step Closer | MIT Technology Review

New Malware Brings Cyberwar One Step Closer | MIT Technology Review: "A newly discovered piece of malicious code dubbed Duqu is closely related to the notorious Stuxnet worm that damaged Iran’s nuclear-enrichment centrifuges last year. Although it has no known target or author, it sets the stage for more industrial and cyberwar attacks, experts say."

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The U.S. Senate Wants to Control Malware Like It's a Missile | Killer Apps

The U.S. Senate Wants to Control Malware Like It's a Missile | Killer Apps: "The powerful congressional panel is looking for the President to "develop policy to control the proliferation of cyber weapons through unilateral and cooperative export controls, law enforcement activities, financial means, diplomatic engagement, and other means," according to the committee's report on the 2014 defense budget bill. "

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Japan develops malware cyberweapon | ZDNet

Japan develops malware cyberweapon | ZDNet: "The Japanese government has been quietly developing a cyberweapon since 2008, which reportedly is able to track, identify and disable sources of online attacks, one report stated."

'via Blog this'

Cyber Weapon Friendly Fire: Chevron Stuxnet Fallout - Security -

Cyber Weapon Friendly Fire: Chevron Stuxnet Fallout - Security -: "But according to Chevron spokesman Morgan Crinklaw, Stuxnet caused no damage to Chevron's network. "We make every effort to protect our data systems from those types of threats," he told The Wall Street Journal."

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

DHS-funded wi-fi devices used to collect personal data of Seattle residents - National Government | Examiner.com

DHS-funded wi-fi devices used to collect personal data of Seattle residents - National Government | Examiner.com: According to an article appearing on the website Infowars on Tuesday, documents from within the Department of Homeland Security reveal that the wi-fi boxes that are a part of the Wireless Mesh System in Seattle, which was funded by the agency, are used to collect the personal data of the people in that city.

Govt Documents Reveal DHS Domestic Spy Takeover Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

� EXCLUSIVE: Govt Documents Reveal DHS Domestic Spy Takeover Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: According to reports from Kiro 7 News, the mesh network devices can capture a mobile user’s IP address, mobile device type, apps used, current location and even historical location down to the last 1,000 places visited.

You Are a Rogue Device by Matt Fikse-Verkerk and Brendan Kiley - Seattle Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

You Are a Rogue Device by Matt Fikse-Verkerk and Brendan Kiley - Seattle Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper: A New Apparatus Capable of Spying on You Has Been Installed Throughout Downtown Seattle. Very Few Citizens Know What It Is, and Officials Don’t Want to Talk About It.


How the NSA and GCHQ Spied on OPEC - SPIEGEL ONLINE: America's NSA and Britain's GCHQ are both spying on the OPEC oil cartel, documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal. The security of the global energy supply is one of the most important issues for the intelligence agencies.

NSA Still Not Sure What Snowden Took, But May Try To Pre-empt Future Leaks | Techdirt

NSA Still Not Sure What Snowden Took, But May Try To Pre-empt Future Leaks | Techdirt: We've been among those who have suggested that the best way for the NSA to deal with the upcoming NSA leaks is to just stop lying and come clean about what they're doing.

Poll’s lesson for NSA: Show that surveillance programs actually combat terrorism - The Washington Post

Poll’s lesson for NSA: Show that surveillance programs actually combat terrorism - The Washington Post: One finding of the study, according to Zegart, is that the Snowden disclosures have not only revealed once-secret activities, they have also led to a drop in public confidence “in the accuracy of the intelligence enterprise writ large.”

Emerging DNA technology will impinge on privacy: civil liberties australia

Emerging DNA technology will impinge on privacy: civil liberties australia: ''We are expecting to complete the preliminary assessment of the technology for prediction of biogeographical ancestry, eye and hair colour at the research level in a couple of years. However, the face prediction is dependent on the discovery of additional markers. Once the relevant markers have been identified and the analysis algorithms defined, the sample can be analysed in a matter of hours.''

Capability is Driving Policy, Not Just at the NSA But Also in Police Departments | American Civil Liberties Union


From My iPhone

Top Cyber Headlines November 15: DHS Cyberattacks on HealthCare.gov



From My iPhone

Friday, November 15, 2013

cognitive radio security - Google Search


From My iPhone

The TRUTH about mystery Trojan found in SPAAACE • The Register


From My iPhone

Lilliput PC745 7" Industrial Control Device w/ WinCE 5.0


From My iPhone

Snowden, GCHQ and the launch of LCHR | Progress | News and debate from the progressive community

Arguably worse, parliament was not aware of Tempora, nor can it be said to have knowingly legislated for anything like this. In any case, the legal basis of GCHQ's actions is questionable. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and the Intelligence Services Act are often invoked, but they are clearly stretched beyond their original aims.

- See more at: http://www.progressonline.org.uk/2013/11/04/snowden-gchq-and-the-launch-of-lchr/#sthash.nSrlLqe9.dpuf


From My iPhone

Germany challenges UK over legal basis of GCHQ mass monitoring of global internet traffic - Home News - UK - The Independent

"Let us be clear about it: in both our countries intelligence work takes place within a strong legal framework.

"We operate under the rule of law and are accountable for it. In some countries secret intelligence is used to control their people - in ours, it only exists to protect their freedoms."

From My iPhone

NSA Fallout: Tech Firms Feel a Chill - WSJ.com


From My iPhone

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Patent granted for Lit Motors C-1 gimbaled flywheel stabilization system

From AutoblogGreen: http://green.autoblog.com/2013/11/01/patent-granted-for-lit-motors-c-1-gimbaled-flywheel/

From My iPhone

Lit Motors C1 two-wheeled encased motorcycle prototype rolls, rocks! - AutoblogGreen


From My iPhone

Tom Burghardt | Global Research


From My iPhone

BBC News - 9/11: The man who 'plotted' America's darkest day


From My iPhone

BBC News - Viewpoint: Five ways the world is doing better than you think


Some good news for a change.

From My iPhone

5 sites teens flock to instead of Facebook - Slide Show - MarketWatch


From My iPhone

The U.S. Secret State and the Internet: “Dirty Secrets” and “Crypto Wars” from “Clipper Chip” to PRISM | Global Research


From My iPhone

Watch "Henri 2, Paw de Deux" on YouTube


Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to sign digital documents | Macworld

How to sign digital documents | Macworld:

Launch Preview, open its preferences, and select the Signatures tab. Click the plus ( ) button at the bottom of the window.

Blogs | StaySafeOnline.org

Blogs | StaySafeOnline.org: Every year on or around January 28, companies, nonprofits, schools and government agencies celebrate Data Privacy Day (DPD) by educating employees, customers and constituents about privacy. The National Cyber Security Alliance assists those efforts by providing resources with information about privacy and online safety and security.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ian Stevenson’s Case for the Afterlife: Are We ‘Skeptics’ Really Just Cynics? | Bering in Mind, Scientific American Blog Network

Ian Stevenson’s Case for the Afterlife: Are We ‘Skeptics’ Really Just Cynics? | Bering in Mind, Scientific American Blog Network: Stevenson himself was convinced that, once the precise mechanisms underlying his observations were known, it would bring about “a conceptual revolution that will make the Copernican revolution seem trivial in comparison.” It’s hard to argue with that, assuming it ever does happen.

Digital Attack Map

Digital Attack Map

Where's Indonesia

Kaspersky Lab’s Policy on the Use of Software for the Purpose of State Surveillance | Kaspersky Lab US

Kaspersky Lab’s Policy on the Use of Software for the Purpose of State Surveillance | Kaspersky Lab US: We have a very simple and straightforward policy as it relates to the detection of malware: We detect and remediate any malware attack, regardless of its origin or purpose. There is no such thing as “right” or “wrong” malware for us.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lawyer Kathryn Tokarska - San Diego Attorney - Avvo.com

Lawyer Kathryn Tokarska - San Diego Attorney - Avvo.com

Has high marks!

Internet Security Essentials for Business 2.0 | U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Internet Security Essentials for Business 2.0 | U.S. Chamber of Commerce:

Small businesses handle an array of sensitive information (e.g., customer data, financial records, and intellectual property) that warrants protection from bad actors. As larger companies improve their defenses and resilience against cyber threats, small businesses have become the low-hanging fruit for cyber criminals.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Take Action | newjimcrow.com

Take Action | newjimcrow.com: Since the publication of The New Jim Crow, a number of groups and organizations have dedicated themselves to the task of genuine movement building to end our nation’s current caste system.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Aqua Adventures - San Diego, CA

Aqua Adventures - San Diego, CA

Looks good for kayaking.

Perception Expression 11.5 Kayak with Skeg at REI.com

Perception Expression 11.5 Kayak with Skeg at REI.com:

Designed for those ready to expand their skills, the Expression 11.5 effectively bridges the gap between a fun, maneuverable day-tripping kayak and a predictable touring model

Friday, October 18, 2013

World's most dramatic runways


All the more reason to book a flight touching down at one of these hairy or awesome air strips.

From My iPhone

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Study: Cybercrime Costs Grow 26%

Study: Cybercrime Costs Grow 26%:

"But a just-issued study on cybercrime by the Ponemon Institute provides a window into the cost of cybercrime."

'via Blog this'

Hotel SOLYMAR en J�vea / X�bia, Alicante en la Costa Blanca, Espa�a

Hotel SOLYMAR en J�vea / X�bia, Alicante en la Costa Blanca, Espa�a:

the Hotel SOLYMAR is located in one of the most privileged areas of J�vea, in the Costa Blanca. It’s a small cosy and calm hotel. Situated at the first line of the beach of Javea and with the best views to enjoy of a lovely sunrise and dusk.

Friday, October 11, 2013

8 Apps and Gadgets to Keep Track of Your Child

8 Apps and Gadgets to Keep Track of Your Child:

"Parenting is tough to begin with, but add a smartphone-using, texting, emailing and Internet-surfing teen on top of that, and there's a whole new set of digital rules that apply."

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cost of Cybercrime Escalates 78 Percent, Time to Resolve Attacks More Than Doubles

Cost of Cybercrime Escalates 78 Percent, Time to Resolve Attacks More Than Doubles:

"2013 Cost of Cyber Crime Study found that the average annualized cost of cybercrime incurred by a benchmark sample of U.S. organizations was $11.56 million,"

'via Blog this'

Study: Cybercrime Costs Grow 26%

Study: Cybercrime Costs Grow 26%:

"A big challenge when attempting to drum up support for investments in information security is demonstrating the cost of data breaches and other cybercrimes. But because very few cyber-attack victims have revealed the costs involved, sizing up the potential financial impact is tough. And that can make it difficult to justify a hefty security investment."

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ADP to Co-Host Second Annual Small Business Summit on Security, Privacy, and Trust | Small Business News, Tips, Advice - Small Business Trends

ADP to Co-Host Second Annual Small Business Summit on Security, Privacy, and Trust | Small Business News, Tips, Advice - Small Business Trends:

"The Summit, to be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST on Wednesday, October 30, will take place at William Paterson University, 1600 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ."

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Monday, October 7, 2013

'Tor Stinks' presentation – read the full document | World news | theguardian.com


Pretty serious stuff.

This Google ad has been brought to you by the National Security Agency | ITworld


From My iPhone

Installing WordPress via Terminal and Securing The Server


From My iPhone

How to Protect Your Wordpress Site from Hackers - The Security Skeptic


From My iPhone

How to: Harden Wordpress – Great Presentation on Security | Marco's Blog


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Security — Common WordPress Malware Infections — Smashing WordPress


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WordPress and Server Hardening – Taking Security to Another Level | Sucuri Blog


From My iPhone

Just Say No to Hackers: How to Harden Your WordPress Security | Search Engine Journal


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Hardening WordPress « WordPress Codex


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How To: Stop The Hacker By Hardening WordPress | Sucuri Blog


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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Antivirus software often fails to thwart hackers

Many experts say having the software is better than nothing and that computer users often invite malware by letting their antivirus service lapse.


From My iPhone

Monday, September 30, 2013

FireAMP Fights Malware with Big Data Analytics | PCWorld

FireAMP Fights Malware with Big Data Analytics | PCWorld:

In and of itself, FireAMP defies easy classification. It is a new type of security tool that does not fit easily into any standard categories like antivirus, or antispyware, or firewall. Yet, it seems to have some overlap with existing security tools to augment their capabilities.

Goodbye, Encryption; Hello, FOSS | Community | LinuxInsider

Goodbye, Encryption; Hello, FOSS | Community | LinuxInsider:

"I have a basic question: What is the privacy/security health of the Linux kernel (and indeed other FOSS OSes) given all the recent stories about the NSA going in and deliberately subverting various parts of the privacy/security sub-systems?"

US government is now the biggest buyer of malware, Reuters reports | The Verge

US government is now the biggest buyer of malware, Reuters reports | The Verge:

Former White House cybersecurity advisors Howard Schmidt and Richard Clarke say this move to "offensive" cybersecurity has left US companies and average citizens vulnerable, because it relies on the government collecting and exploiting critical vulnerabilities that have not been revealed to software vendors or the public.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

TAXII - News

TAXII - News: Microsoft Corporation announced on July 29, 2013 that it plans to support TAXII and Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX™) in an article entitled "New MAPP Initiatives" on Microsoft's "BlueHat Blog."

MAEC - Use Cases

MAEC - Use Cases: At its highest level, MAEC is a domain-specific language for non-signature based malware characterization.

New MAPP Initiatives - Microsoft BlueHat Blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs

New MAPP Initiatives - Microsoft BlueHat Blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs: Since the program launched, there has been little external change to how it operates. Internally, we have made slight adjustments to how the program is managed but by and large, it is the same program it was in 2008 and the same program our partners still say is essential to their operations.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Is the anti-virus industry in bed with the NSA – why do CIPAV, FinFisher and DaVinci still defeat AV? | Kevin Townsend

Is the anti-virus industry in bed with the NSA – why do CIPAV, FinFisher and DaVinci still defeat AV? | Kevin Townsend:

Without any evidence he says:

"Is the AV industry in bed with the NSA? The simple fact is that we just do not know. The industry itself denies it – but, well, it would, wouldn’t it? Statistically, since almost every other aspect of the security industry collaborates with or has been subverted by the NSA, my suspicion is that it is. At the very least, I suspect it engages in ‘tacit connivance’."

Gene Patent Ban Could Lead to More Genetic Tests - Alzheimer's Disease Center - Everyday Health

Gene Patent Ban Could Lead to More Genetic Tests - Alzheimer's Disease Center - Everyday Health: "With the lift on these gene patents could come a new wave of genetic testing, and the options for patients and doctors could increase dramatically."

'via Blog this'

Impact of gene patents and licensing practices on ... [Genet Med. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI

Impact of gene patents and licensing practices on ... [Genet Med. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI: "Patents cover the HFE gene, related proteins, screening methods, and testing kits. Most initial testing for hereditary hemochromatosis is biochemical, but HFE deoxyribonucleic acid testing or genotyping is used to confirm a diagnosis of inherited hemochromatosis."

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Math Advances Raise the Prospect of an Internet Security Crisis | MIT Technology Review

Math Advances Raise the Prospect of an Internet Security Crisis | MIT Technology Review: "Academic advances suggest that the encryption systems that secure online communications could be undermined in just a few years."

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Anti-Encryption Measures Free NSA to Access Web Data without Going to Providers | MIT Technology Review

Anti-Encryption Measures Free NSA to Access Web Data without Going to Providers | MIT Technology Review: "Leaked documents suggest that American spies can decrypt much of the data they collect by tapping into Internet service providers and telecommunications cables."

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The NSA Hasn’t “Cracked” Encryption—It’s Just Reminded Us of the Ways Around It | MIT Technology Review

The NSA Hasn’t “Cracked” Encryption—It’s Just Reminded Us of the Ways Around It | MIT Technology Review: "However, cryptography experts tell MIT Technology Review that a close reading of last week’s report suggests the NSA has not broken the underlying mathematical operations that are used to cloak online banking or e-mail."

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Former NSA chief: ‘Morally arrogant’ Snowden will probably become an alcoholic

Former NSA chief: ‘Morally arrogant’ Snowden will probably become an alcoholic:

"I welcome the debate, but I want the debate to be based on fact,"

Snowden Leaks, NSA Activities Complicate Push for Cybersecurity Law

Snowden Leaks, NSA Activities Complicate Push for Cybersecurity Law:

“If we thought that information-sharing was moving slowly before, now it’s moving even more slowly,” a senior administration official said in an interview granted on condition of anonymity.

Gastromanagement Berlin | Lindenbr�u im Sony Center

Gastromanagement Berlin | Lindenbr�u im Sony Center:

Are you very hungry or do you have only appetite for something delicious – no problem - in our restaurant Lindenbr�u the cooking team offers a rich choice of regional dishes and Bavarian specialities

Grieving as an atheist: a surprising dilemma | Tiffany White | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Grieving as an atheist: a surprising dilemma | Tiffany White | Comment is free | theguardian.com:

"I started to realize that the life of an atheist was a tad bleak. The more I spoke, the darker the conversation became."

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RSA, Oracle Tools Help Businesses Manage Qualys Vulnerability Data | Qualys Technology | Qualys Community


From My iPhone

Empowering Information Sharing: Release of pyNSSFClient | CrowdStrike

Empowering Information Sharing: Release of pyNSSFClient | CrowdStrike:

One of the lesser-known facts about the computer security business is that vendors exchange malware samples with each other, often through mutual sharing arrangements.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau:

"Table includes both establishments with payroll and nonemployers. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table."

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Cigarette pack computer

custom_fag_pack.png (PNG Image, 500�נ373 pixels)

Advanced Malware Communications: What Every Security Professional Should Know | BrightTALK

Advanced Malware Communications: What Every Security Professional Should Know | BrightTALK: By capturing details of both advanced and more generic malware attacks and monitoring callback activity, a great deal can be learned about an attacker’s intentions, interests and geographic location.

The Story of Layla and Majnun - World Stories

The Story of Layla and Majnun - World Stories: Overcome with regret and loss, Majnun retreated inside of himself entirely and vowed to live in the desert until his own death.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

FBI Admits It Controlled Tor Servers Behind Mass Malware Attack | Threat Level | Wired.com

FBI Admits It Controlled Tor Servers Behind Mass Malware Attack | Threat Level | Wired.com: Court documents and FBI files released under the FOIA have described the CIPAV as software the FBI can deliver through a browser exploit to gather information from the target’s machine and send it to an FBI server in Virginia. The FBI has been using the CIPAV since 2002 against hackers, online sexual predators, extortionists, and others, primarily to identify suspects who are disguising their location using proxy servers or anonymity services, like Tor.

Leaked FinFisher presentation details toolkit's spying capabilities



Errata Security: NSA's Fort Belvoir and Star Trek


The NRO - Its Mission, History, and People


Gone Phishing: How Major Websites Get Hacked


From My iPhone

Breaking My Silence | The Nation

Inspiring stuff:


From My iPhone

Chris Stringer on the Origins and Rise of Modern Humans - NYTimes.com


From My iPhone

Faxaway's Internet Fax Service.


From My iPhone

Friday, September 13, 2013

Defending Against DDoS Attacks | Security Management

Defending Against DDoS Attacks | Security Management: Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks—in which a Web site is bombarded with such a volume of traffic that legitimate users can’t access it—are on the rise.

READY OR NOT ? Twitter Instagrap Location app

READY OR NOT ?: This app shows how people could use your social-media posts to find you in the physical world. It uses GPS data attached to Twitter and Instagram posts to create a map of where someone's been posting from recently.

GPGTools - It's worth protecting what you love

GPGTools - It's worth protecting what you love: Use GPG Suite to encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify files or messages. Manage your GPG Keychain with a few simple clicks and experience the full power of GPG easier than ever before.

20 Euros via PayPal

Cost-Benefit Analysis Of NSA Surveillance Says It's Simply Not Worth It | Techdirt

Cost-Benefit Analysis Of NSA Surveillance Says It's Simply Not Worth It | Techdirt: A new study suggests that the direct losses to US tech companies from people and companies fleeing to other services (often overseas) is likely to be between $22 billion and $35 billion over just the next three years.

NSA 'routinely' shares Americans' data with Israel - Snowden leak — RT News

NSA 'routinely' shares Americans' data with Israel - Snowden leak — RT News: The NSA regularly shares raw US intelligence data with Israel without even removing information about American citizens, according to the latest revelation published by the Guardian. The report is based on a document leaked by Edward Snowden.

The June 5 juggernaut rolls on...

Reading the Noises by William Finnegan | Byliner

Reading the Noises by William Finnegan | Byliner: A friend writes: There are probably people who can identify all sorts of emergency vehicles simply by their sirens, cocking an ear and announcing “State Police” or “County Hospital,” the way bird-lovers can identify unseen birds by their cries.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

elliptic curves - Who uses Dual_EC_DRBG? - Cryptography Stack Exchange

elliptic curves - Who uses Dual_EC_DRBG? - Cryptography Stack Exchange: Even before the potential backdoor was discovered back in 2007, the Dual_EC_DRBG was known to be much slower and slightly more biased than all the other random number generators in NIST SP 800-90. To quote Bruce Schneier:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Layla and Majnun

Layla and Majnun: A scene from Nizami's adaptation of the story. Layla and Majnun meet for the last time before their deaths.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Mixon 619 232 8665

Deli breakfast / lunch menu for downtown San Diego businesses and tourists.: #7 BANKER'S SPECIAL: Roast Beef and cheddar with mayo, thousand island dressing, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions......$6.49